Monday, September 30, 2024

Kilimanjaro and Serengeti in August of 2024

 It was something that cannot be anything other than once a lifetime experience. It was an experience which reduced 6 kgs of my weight. That is something I never thought would ever happen no matter how much I exercised. :)

Day 0: I fell ill on the evening that I reached Moshi Tanzania. Throat infection

Day 1: the start from Moshi Hotel Salinero. I was feverish and really depressed now. Could not eat. Had very little sleep over the last 2 days. Started off using crocin tablets. Reached the gate at the start of kili trek

 Kilimajaro international Airport

Hotel Salinero, Moshi, Tanzania

Day 1: There was packed lunch at the gate. The climb then began steadily and I was feeling quite terrible and afraid that my strength would not last till then end of a 6 hour uphill walk on day 1. At the end of the day my legs did hurt a lot but thank fully no cramps. So I could recover slowly.

Start point of Kili trek... with Pakistani uncle

Day 1 Rain forest

Day 2: I was feeling quite sick by this time. The last night was too tiring and strange. Could not sleep properly in the sleeping bag. Feverish feeling was still there. I woke up thrice for pee. I think its because all those pills were making me have a high heart rate.

Day 1 camp... No sleep day 3 :)

Camp day 1


Day 3: By day 3, I had a very severe throat infection and it was time for Anti-biotics. Doc in the group said he had them but finally found some with Ashish by tent partner. How i had enegy left to take all these pictures I dont know :) Dancing on day 3 night.... and the summit in the background.

Day 4: Day 4 was special it was a climb up to a high point, have lunch there and then climb down to sleep at a lower altitude. The high point was called "lava tower"


Ashish, Doc, me, PD, Amit (Organiser)

Day 5: Started with a bang of a climb ... "Baranko wall" I was starting to feel a little better. There was a point where we had to hug a rock so tight that it was fondly called "kissing rock". It was up and up for a while and then down and down. I was doing much better than previous days.

Day 6: Summit day. This one started at 11:30 pm on previous day itself. It was a all night walk since the day time is hot and terrifying. I decided to take the shot. I was not fully recovered but strong enough to think that I can make it. It seems i have more energy than i think i have.